NSA(PRISM): Nothing to Hide(Video)

The entire affair about #PRISM is so cheesy and confused that the only proven fact is that those slides are really really ugly.
and more amore negative issues are still coming in, lets wait and see how it will all end up....

some of the ugly ugly comments on social media's:

  • you still havent adequately made your point that hes a traitor. he is going against the mainstream and exposing government corruption, he sounds like a patriot to me
  • The entire affair about #PRISM  is so cheesy and confused that the only proven fact is that those slides are really really ugly.

  • Wait, if i "like" this video will the NSA be tracking me..?

  • if sensitive data go under wrong hands they could be used for example for extreme NLP menthal conditioning techniques against targeted group of people, or worse, individuals that are not aligned, to enforce acritical group-thinking

  • Go take your medication.
     ·  in reply to J Mintberry (Show the comment)
  • xPureEx 
    You have nothing to hide? Please send me all of your passwords, nude pictures, names of everyone in your family, their addresses, your debit PIN, how you lost your virginity, any traumatic experiences in your life in full detail, anything that you've done in your life that you're ashamed of, any crimes you've committed but were never caught doing, any lies you've told, any thoughts you've had you're ashamed of... make sense yet?

NSA(PRISM): Nothing to Hide(Video) NSA(PRISM): Nothing to Hide(Video) Reviewed by Admin on 07:28 Rating: 5

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